How to Read Hdf in Python by Certain Incidies

Read and utilize some unlike file formats¶

In this session, we will learn to employ some geospatial tools using GDAL in Python. A good set of working notes on how to employ GDAL has been developed that y'all will find useful for groundwork reading.

HDF(Hierarchical Information Format) and HDF-EOS are common formats for EO data and so you need to have some idea how to use and dispense them.

A hierarchical data format is essentially a format that 'packs' together diverse aspects of a dataset (metadata, raster information etc.) into a binary file. In that location are many tools for manipulating and reading HDF in python, merely we will use ane of the more than generic tools, gdal here.

When using HDF files, we need to accept some idea of the stucture of the contents, although you can clearly explore that yourself in an interactive session. MODIS products have extensive data available to help you lot translate the datasets, for case the MODIS LAI/fAPAR production MOD15A2. We will use this as an example to explore a dataset.

You volition need access to the file `MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf <>`__, which you might access from the MODIS Land Products site

Before going into the Python coding for GDAL, information technology is worthwhile looking over some of the tools that are provided with GDAL and that tin can be run from the trounce. In particular, nosotros tin apply the gdalinfo program, that takes a filename and volition output a copious description of the data, including metadata, but as well geogrpahic project, size, number of bands, etc.

!gdalinfo MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf          
Driver: HDF4/Hierarchical Data Format Release iv Files: MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf Size is 512, 512 Coordinate Organisation is `' Metadata:   HDFEOSVersion=HDFEOS_V2.9   LOCALGRANULEID=MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf   PRODUCTIONDATETIME=2011-08-01T15:45:34.000Z   DAYNIGHTFLAG=Day   REPROCESSINGACTUAL=reprocessed   LOCALVERSIONID=5.0.4   REPROCESSINGPLANNED=further update is anticipated   SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG=Not Investigated   AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION=No automatic quality assessment is performed in the PGE   AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG=Passed   SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION=See http://landweb.nascom/ the product Science Quality status.   QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA=3   QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA=3   QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER=23   QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA=0   PARAMETERNAME=MCD15A2   VERSIONID=5   SHORTNAME=MCD15A2   INPUTPOINTER=MYD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194222549.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011194224921.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192044353.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191043320.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190043751.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189125127.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188044024.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011187152544.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194044548.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011193042953.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192045720.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191045425.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190045726.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189045204.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188195439.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011210211523.hdf, MCD15A2_ANC_RI4.hdf   GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE=-103.835851753394, -117.486656023174, -104.256722414513, -92.131858571552   GRINGPOINTLATITUDE=29.8360532722546, 39.9999999964079, 40.0742066197196, 29.9009502428382   GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO=one, 2, 3, 4   EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG=N   RANGEENDINGDATE=2011-07-11   RANGEENDINGTIME=23:59:59   RANGEBEGINNINGDATE=2011-07-04   RANGEBEGINNINGTIME=00:00:00   PGEVERSION=5.0.9   ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME=MODIS   ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME=Terra   ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME=MODIS   ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME=MODIS   ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME=Aqua   ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME=MODIS   QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY=100   QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY=100   HORIZONTALTILENUMBER=09   VERTICALTILENUMBER=05   TileID=51009005   NDAYS_COMPOSITED=16   QAPERCENTGOODFPAR=100   QAPERCENTGOODLAI=100   QAPERCENTMAINMETHOD=100   QAPERCENTEMPIRICALMODEL=0   NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE=39.9999999964079   SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE=29.9999999973059   EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE=-92.3664205550513   WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE=-117.486656023174   ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE=x-01-2004   ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE=Normal   ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME=MCDPR_15A2   ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION=v   GEOANYABNORMAL=False   GEOESTMAXRMSERROR=fifty.0   LONGNAME=MODIS/Terra+Aqua Leafage Surface area Index/FPAR viii-Twenty-four hour period L4 Global 1km SIN Grid   PROCESSINGCENTER=MODAPS   SYSTEMFILENAME=MYD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194222549.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011194224921.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192044353.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191043320.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190043751.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189125127.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188044024.hdf, MYD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011187152544.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194044548.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011193042953.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192045720.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191045425.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190045726.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189045204.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188195439.hdf, MOD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011210211523.hdf   NUMBEROFGRANULES=1   GRANULEDAYNIGHTFLAG=Mean solar day   GRANULEBEGINNINGDATETIME=2011-07-29T21:xv:23.000Z   GRANULEENDINGDATETIME=2011-07-29T21:xv:23.000Z   CHARACTERISTICBINANGULARSIZE=30.0   CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE=926.625433055556   DATACOLUMNS=1200   DATAROWS=1200   GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS=43200   GLOBALGRIDROWS=21600   NADIRDATARESOLUTION=1km   MAXIMUMOBSERVATIONS=1   SPSOPARAMETERS=5367, 2680   PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT=Linux minion5559 #1 SMP Tue May 31 14:02:45 EDT 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux   DESCRREVISION=5.0   ENGINEERING_DATA= # MOD_PR15A2 (Vers 5.0.4 Rele ten.18.2006 23:59) # MUM API Vers 2.5.viii Rev 104 Rel. 11.fifteen.2000 x:49 (pgs) # (c) 2000 J.K. Burnished, NTSG,LLSD # portions of MUM API past Petr Votava,NTSG Lab,U.Montana # HOST ECS_PGS_VirtualHost Procedure 19540618 # PLATFORM Sys genericunix Vers unknown Release unknown Node (no nodename available) # INIT-TIME Mon Aug  1 eleven:45:xiv 2011  YEARDAY 185 COMPOSITE_PERIOD  24 FIRSTDAY_IN_PERIOD 185 SDS[PGE34_ISG_MBRLUT] %ID 268697600 Rank   2 (664 120) SDS[PGE34_OUTFIELD_PROP] %ID 268697601 Rank   ii (78 179) SDS[PGE34_BROWSEFIELD_PROP] %ID 268697602 Rank   ii (77 164) READANC SDS[PGE34_ISG_MBRLUT] RANK 2 (664 120) READANC SDS[PGE34_OUTFIELD_PROP] RANK 2 (78 179) READANC SDS[PGE34_BROWSEFIELD_PROP] RANK 2 (77 164) READANC SDS[PGE34_ECSMETA_DICT] RANK 2 (73 110) READANC SDS[PGE34_RELEASE_NOTES] RANK ii (84 98) FLDPROP SDSnam(PGE34_OUTFIELD_PROP)MoleName(PGE34_OUTFIELD_PROP)Status 3 Nelem 13962 BROWSE cvlBrwMol 0 Nelem 57600 Type 21 Status 3 Browse cvlBrwMol 1 Nelem 57600 Type 21 Status iii BROWSE cvlBrwMol 2 Nelem 57600 Type 21 Status three Scan cvlBrwMol 3 Nelem 57600 Blazon 21 Status 3 Browse: NEW GRID ID 4194320 BROWSEFIELD  0 Sum 1725178 Average 29.951 BROWSEFIELD  1 Sum 581056 Average 10.0878 BROWSEFIELD  two Sum 358279 Average 6.22012 BROWSEFIELD  3 Sum 8016362 Boilerplate 139.173 BROWSE-DONE: N-Pixels 57600 Invalid offsets: 0 OutOfRange 0  COMPOSITING FPAR FREQUENCIES FPAR   0       34 FPAR   one       71 FPAR   two       21 FPAR   3       fifty FPAR   4      221 FPAR   v      592 FPAR   6     4712 FPAR   7     1445 FPAR   8      522 FPAR   nine     1210 FPAR  10    12969 FPAR  11    17195 FPAR  12    83945 FPAR  thirteen   197436 FPAR  14    79525 FPAR  15    55842 FPAR  sixteen    68815 FPAR  17    40112 FPAR  eighteen    62851 FPAR  19    42180 FPAR  20    43324 FPAR  21    34354 FPAR  22    20947 FPAR  23    29184 FPAR  24    35510 FPAR  25    32078 FPAR  26    34318 FPAR  27    24998 FPAR  28    28379 FPAR  29    18195 FPAR  30    17813 FPAR  31    15146 FPAR  32    10109 FPAR  33    14734 FPAR  34    17210 FPAR  35    23089 FPAR  36    14491 FPAR  37    15924 FPAR  38    15249 FPAR  39    15657 FPAR  xl     9683 FPAR  41     9847 FPAR  42     7833 FPAR  43    11433 FPAR  44    12093 FPAR  45    10148 FPAR  46     9235 FPAR  47    11742 FPAR  48    10464 FPAR  49     8277 FPAR  50     5914 FPAR  51     8763 FPAR  52     6712 FPAR  53     6807 FPAR  54     9616 FPAR  55     7249 FPAR  56     5771 FPAR  57     6052 FPAR  58     5514 FPAR  59     6665 FPAR  60     5731 FPAR  61     5195 FPAR  62     5484 FPAR  63     4754 FPAR  64     4820 FPAR  65     4963 FPAR  66     3775 FPAR  67     4243 FPAR  68     4047 FPAR  69     3461 FPAR  lxx     2613 FPAR  71     3143 FPAR  72     2812 FPAR  73     2463 FPAR  74     1918 FPAR  75     1894 FPAR  76     1938 FPAR  77     1574 FPAR  78     1329 FPAR  79     1287 FPAR  80     1165 FPAR  81     1210 FPAR  82     1268 FPAR  83     1501 FPAR  84     1562 FPAR  85     1466 FPAR  86     1875 FPAR  87     1865 FPAR  88     2695 FPAR  89     8083 FPAR  90     4573 FPAR  91      800 FPAR  92      830 FPAR  93      723 FPAR  94      446 FPAR  95      146 FPAR  96       59 FPAR  97       52 FPAR  98       26 FPAR  99        6 FPAR 100        1  COMPOSITING LAI FREQUENCIES LAI    0      135 LAI    i     7017 LAI    2   333047 LAI    iii   320752 LAI    4   116468 LAI    v   116636 LAI    6    95497 LAI    7    74899 LAI    eight    46317 LAI    9    30182 LAI   x    38262 LAI   xi    28509 LAI   12    20955 LAI   13    16270 LAI   14    18420 LAI   xv    13305 LAI   16    13099 LAI   17    10446 LAI   eighteen     6287 LAI   19     8236 LAI   twenty     6428 LAI   21     5986 LAI   22     5851 LAI   23     4651 LAI   24     3958 LAI   25     4149 LAI   26     3228 LAI   27     2795 LAI   28     2712 LAI   29     2032 LAI   30     1961 LAI   31     1927 LAI   32     1557 LAI   33     1448 LAI   34     1445 LAI   35     1123 LAI   36     1135 LAI   37      991 LAI   38      849 LAI   39      748 LAI   40      771 LAI   41      712 LAI   42      641 LAI   43      655 LAI   44      816 LAI   45      947 LAI   46      965 LAI   47      947 LAI   48      934 LAI   49      948 LAI   50      758 LAI   51      677 LAI   52      662 LAI   53      727 LAI   54      651 LAI   55      643 LAI   56      789 LAI   57      790 LAI   58      613 LAI   59      868 LAI   60      676 LAI   61      776 LAI   62     3217 LAI   63      796 LAI   64      608 LAI   65     2298 LAI   66     4179 LAI   67      166 LAI   68      123 LAI   69        5  COMPOSITING Twenty-four hours Index FREQUENCIES TILE-INDEX    0 Pick Frequency:   177256 TILE-Alphabetize    1 Selection Frequency:   143267 TILE-Index    2 Selection Frequency:   164215 TILE-Index    3 Pick Frequency:   128123 TILE-INDEX    4 Selection Frequency:   168637 TILE-INDEX    5 Pick Frequency:    99292 TILE-INDEX    vi Selection Frequency:   110562 TILE-INDEX    seven Selection Frequency:    61898 TILE-Alphabetize    8 Selection Frequency:    27366 TILE-Index    nine Selection Frequency:    89455 TILE-Index   ten Selection Frequency:    32747 TILE-Alphabetize   11 Selection Frequency:    73910 TILE-INDEX   12 Option Frequency:    43557 TILE-Alphabetize   13 Selection Frequency:    26380 TILE-INDEX   14 Selection Frequency:    36942 TILE-Index   15 Selection Frequency:    14464  LOCALGRANULEID [MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf] ECS QC Percentage North valid (demominator) : 1398071.000000 ECS Total Pixels       (denominator) : 1440000  QAPERCENTxx PSA BEFORE CALC QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA: 0 QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA     : 41929 QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA : 41929 QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER      : 334183 QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD: 0 QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER: 0 QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY     : 1391137 QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY    : 48863 QAPERCENTGOODFPAR        : 1391137 QAPERCENTGOODLAI         : 1391137 QAPERCENTMAINMETHOD      : 1391137 QAPERCENTEMPIRICALMODEL  : 6934 QAPERCENTNDAYSCOMPOSITED : 16 QAPERCENTTERRA           : 1052272   QAPERCENTxx PSA AFTER CALC QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA: 0 QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA     : iii QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA : 3 QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER      : 23 QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD: 0 QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER: 0 QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY     : 100 QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY    : 100 QAPERCENTGOODFPAR        : 100 QAPERCENTGOODLAI         : 100 QAPERCENTMAINMETHOD      : 100 QAPERCENTEMPIRICALMODEL  : 0 QAPERCENTNDAYSCOMPOSITED : 16   SESSION ENGINEERING SUMMARY FOR PGE34 8-twenty-four hours FPAR,LAI UM_VERSION U.MONTANA MODIS PGE34 Vers 5.0.4 Rev iv Release 10.eighteen.2006 23:59 Candidate Days: sixteen  N. invalid loads      : 0 Pixels failing best day : 41929 Pixels ready to make full      : 0 Pixels skipped (disqual): 1118070 Unclassified Pixels     : 41929 MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/annal/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011210211523.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/annal/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188195439.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189045204.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190045726.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191045425.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192045720.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/annal/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011193042953.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/annal/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MOD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194044548.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011187152544.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011186.h09v05.005.2011188044024.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011187.h09v05.005.2011189125127.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011188.h09v05.005.2011190043751.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/annal/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011189.h09v05.005.2011191043320.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011190.h09v05.005.2011192044353.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011191.h09v05.005.2011194224921.hdf MOD15A1 DAILY Input: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5559/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MYD15A1.A2011192.h09v05.005.2011194222549.hdf  PGE34 Output       : /MODAPSx/archive/f5559/ops8/running/AMPM_L10m/6913096/MCD15A2.1.2011-185T00:00:00.000000Z.51009005.8618434.215230_1.hdf MOD15A2 Ancillary    : /MODAPSops8/PGE/AMPM/coeff/PGE34/MCD15A2_ANC_RI4.hdf  QAPERCENTxx PSA AFTER CALC QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA: 0 QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA     : 3 QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA : 3 QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER      : 23 QAPERCENTTERRA          : 75 QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY     : 100 QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY    : 100 QAPERCENTGOODFPAR        : 100 QAPERCENTGOODLAI         : 100 QAPERCENTMAINMETHOD      : 100 QAPERCENTEMPIRICALMODEL  : 0 QAPERCENTNDAYSCOMPOSITED : xvi   Started Mon Aug  one xi:45:14 2011  Ended Mon Aug  i 11:45:34 2011 Elapsed Fourth dimension          20 Sec (       0.33 Min)   MOD15A2_FILLVALUE_DOC=MOD15A2 Make full VALUE Legend 255 = _Fillvalue, assigned when:     * the MODAGAGG suf. reflectance for channel VIS, NIR was assigned its _Fillvalue, or     * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalus 255 or 254. 254 = state cover assigned equally perennial salt or inland fresh water. 253 = land encompass assigned as arid, thin vegetation (stone, tundra, desert.) 252 = land cover assigned equally perennial snowfall, ice. 251 = state embrace assigned equally "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshlands. 250 = land comprehend assigned as urban/congenital-up. 249 = state cover assigned equally "unclassified" or not able to determine.    MOD15A2_FparLai_QC_DOC= FparLai_QC 5 BITFIELDS IN 8 BITWORD MODLAND_QC Outset 0 END 0 VALIDS 2 MODLAND_QC   0 = Practiced Quality (main algorithm with or without saturation) MODLAND_QC   ane = Other Quality (back-upwards algorithm or fill value) SENSOR START i Cease 1 VALIDS two SENSOR       0  = Terra SENSOR       i  = Aqua DEADDETECTOR Commencement 2 END 2 VALIDS ii DEADDETECTOR 0 = Detectors obviously fine for up to 50% of channels 1,2 DEADDETECTOR ane = Dead detectors caused >50% adjacent detector retrieval CLOUDSTATE Outset three Cease 4 VALIDS 4 (this inherited from Aggregate_QC $.25 {0,ane} cloud state) CLOUDSTATE   00 = 0 Pregnant clouds NOT present (articulate) CLOUDSTATE   01 = i Significant clouds WERE nowadays CLOUDSTATE   x = 2 Mixed cloud nowadays on pixel CLOUDSTATE   eleven = 3 Cloud state non defined,assumed articulate SCF_QC START v End vii VALIDS five SCF_QC       000=0 Main (RT) algorithm used, best result possible (no saturation) SCF_QC       001=1 Chief (RT) algorithm used, saturation occured. Expert, very usable. SCF_QC       010=2 Main algorithm failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used SCF_QC       011=iii Main algorithm faild due to issues other than geometry, empirical algorithm used SCF_QC       100=4 Pixel not produced at all, value coudn't exist retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MODAGAGG data)    MOD15A2_FparExtra_QC_DOC= FparExtra_QC 6 BITFIELDS IN 8 BITWORD LANDSEA PASS-THROUGH Beginning 0 END i VALIDS 4 LANDSEA   00 = 0 State       AggrQC(3,5)values{001} LANDSEA   01 = ane SHORE      AggrQC(three,five)values{000,010,100} LANDSEA   x = ii FRESHWATER AggrQC(iii,5)values{011,101} LANDSEA   eleven = 3 OCEAN      AggrQC(3,5)values{110,111} SNOW_ICE (from Aggregate_QC bits) Get-go 2 End 2 VALIDS ii SNOW_ICE  0 = No snowfall/water ice detected SNOW_ICE  1 = Snow/ice were detected Droplets Beginning 3 End 3 VALIDS 2 AEROSOL   0 = No or depression atmospheric aerosol levels detected AEROSOL   1 = Average or high aerosol levels detected CIRRUS (from Aggregate_QC bits {eight,ix} ) START 4 END 4 VALIDS 2 CIRRUS    0 = No cirrus detected CIRRUS    ane = Cirrus was detected INTERNAL_CLOUD_MASK Commencement five END 5 VALIDS 2 INTERNAL_CLOUD_MASK 0 = No clouds INTERNAL_CLOUD_MASK 1 = Clouds were detected CLOUD_SHADOW Get-go 6 Cease 6 VALIDS 2 CLOUD_SHADOW        0 = No cloud shadow detected CLOUD_SHADOW        1 = Cloud shadow detected SCF_BIOME_MASK Offset vii Cease vii VALIDS 2 SCF_BIOME_MASK  0 = Biome outside interval <1,4> SCF_BIOME_MASK  1 = Biome in interval <i,4>    MOD15A2_StdDev_QC_DOC=MOD15A2 STANDARD Divergence FILL VALUE LEGEND 255 = _Fillvalue, assigned when:     * the MODAGAGG suf. reflectance for channel VIS, NIR was assigned its _Fillvalue, or     * country encompass pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalus 255 or 254. 254 = land encompass assigned equally perennial salt or inland fresh water. 253 = state cover assigned equally arid, thin vegetation (rock, tundra, desert.) 252 = country cover assigned every bit perennial snow, ice. 251 = land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshlands. 250 = land cover assigned as urban/built-upward. 249 = land cover assigned as "unclassified" or non able to determine. 248 = no standard difference bachelor, pixel produced using fill-in method.    MOD15A1_ANC_BUILD_CERT=mtAncUtil v. i.8 Rel. 09.11.2000 17:36 API v. 2.5.half-dozen release 09.14.2000 16:33 Rev.Index 102 (J.Glassy)    UM_VERSION=U.MONTANA MODIS PGE34 Vers 5.0.iv Rev 4 Release 10.18.2006 23:59 Subdatasets:   SUBDATASET_1_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Fpar_1km   SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[1200x1200] Fpar_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)   SUBDATASET_2_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km   SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[1200x1200] Lai_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)   SUBDATASET_3_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparLai_QC   SUBDATASET_3_DESC=[1200x1200] FparLai_QC MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)   SUBDATASET_4_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparExtra_QC   SUBDATASET_4_DESC=[1200x1200] FparExtra_QC MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (eight-chip unsigned integer)   SUBDATASET_5_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparStdDev_1km   SUBDATASET_5_DESC=[1200x1200] FparStdDev_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (eight-bit unsigned integer)   SUBDATASET_6_NAME=HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:LaiStdDev_1km   SUBDATASET_6_DESC=[1200x1200] LaiStdDev_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0) Lower Left  (    0.0,  512.0) Upper Right (  512.0,    0.0) Lower Right (  512.0,  512.0) Middle      (  256.0,  256.0)          
# Filter lines that do not have BOUNDINGCOORDINATE in them !gdalinfo MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf | grep BOUNDINGCOORDINATE          
            NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            =            39.9999999964079            SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            =            29.9999999973059            EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            =-            92.3664205550513            WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            =-            117.486656023174          

We can cheque this confronting e.m. the UNH MODIS tile calculator, just to ostend that we have interpreted the coordinates correctly.

We can apply other beat out GDAL tools, eastward.thou. to perform a reprojection from the native MODIS sinusoidal project, to the Contiguous United States NAD27 Albers Equal Area:

!gdalwarp -of GTiff \     -t_srs '+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.v +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs'  \     -tr 1000 1000 \     'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf:MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km' output_file.tif          
Creating output file that is 2152P ten 1323L. Processing input file HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf:MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km. Using internal nodata values (eg. 255) for image HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf:MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km. 0...ten...twenty...thirty...40...50...lx...70...80...ninety...100 - done.          

where MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf is the name of the input HDF file, MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km is the data product we want, and the rather menacing string +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=clrk66 +units=thousand +no_defs specifies the project in Proj4 format. You lot can typically observe the projection you want on, and just copy and paste the contents of Proj4 definition (remember to surround information technology past quotes). The selection -tr xres yres specifies the desired resolution of the output dataset (1000 by one thousand 1000 in the example above). -of GTiff specifies the GeoTiff format to exist used as as output.

Having some thought what information is in the hdf file and then, we can continue to read the data in inside Python using the GDAL library:

            import            gdal            # Import GDAL library bindings            # The file that we shall be using            # Needs to exist on current directory            filename            =            'MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf'            g            =            gdal            .            Open            (            filename            )            # g should at present exist a GDAL dataset, only if the file isn't found            # g volition exist none. Allow's examination this:            if            grand            is            None            :            print            "Problem opening file                        %south            !"            %            filename            else            :            impress            "File                        %due south                          opened fine"            %            filename            subdatasets            =            g            .            GetSubDatasets            ()            for            fname            ,            name            in            subdatasets            :            impress            name            print            "            \t            "            ,            fname          
File MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf opened fine [1200x1200] Fpar_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (viii-fleck unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Fpar_1km [1200x1200] Lai_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (viii-bit unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km [1200x1200] FparLai_QC MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparLai_QC [1200x1200] FparExtra_QC MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparExtra_QC [1200x1200] FparStdDev_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparStdDev_1km [1200x1200] LaiStdDev_1km MOD_Grid_MOD15A2 (8-bit unsigned integer)     HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:LaiStdDev_1km          

In the previous code snippet we accept done a number of different things:

  1. Import the GDAL library
  2. Open a file with GDAL, storing a handler to the file in g
  3. Test that g is not None (every bit this indicates failure opening the file. Try changing filename above to something else)
  4. We then use the GetSubDatasets() method to read out information on the unlike subdatasets available from this file (compare to the output of gdalinfo on the shelf earlier)
  5. Loop over the retrieved subdatasets to impress the name (human-readable information) and the GDAL filename. This last particular is the filename that you demand to use to tell GDAL to open a item data layer of the half dozen layers present in this example

Let'due south say that nosotros want to access the LAI data. By contrasting the output of the above code (or gdalinfo ) to the contents of the LAI/fAPAR product information page, we notice out that we want the layers for Lai_1km , FparLai_Qc , FparExtra_QC and LaiStdDev_1km .

To read these private datasets, we need to open each of them individually using GDAL, and the GDAL filenames used above:

            # Let's create a list with the selected layer names            selected_layers            =            [            "Lai_1km"            ,            "FparLai_QC"            ,            "FparExtra_QC"            ,            "LaiStdDev_1km"            ]            # We will store the data in a dictionary            # Initialise an empty dictionary            data            =            {}            # for convenience, we will use string substitution to create a            # template for GDAL filenames, which nosotros'll substitute on the wing:            file_template            =            'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"            %s            ":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:            %s            '            for            i            ,            layer            in            enumerate            (            selected_layers            ):            this_file            =            file_template            %            (            filename            ,            layer            )            print            "Opening Layer                        %d            :                        %s            "            %            (            i            +            1            ,            this_file            )            m            =            gdal            .            Open            (            this_file            )            if            grand            is            None            :            raise            IOError            data            [            layer            ]            =            grand            .            ReadAsArray            ()            print            "            \t            >>> Read                        %due south            !"            %            layer          
Opening Layer one: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:Lai_1km     >>> Read Lai_1km! Opening Layer 2: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparLai_QC     >>> Read FparLai_QC! Opening Layer 3: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:FparExtra_QC     >>> Read FparExtra_QC! Opening Layer 4: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:LaiStdDev_1km     >>> Read LaiStdDev_1km!          

In the previous code, we take seen a mode of neatly creating the filenames required by GDAL to access the independent datasets: a template string that gets substituted with the filename and the layer name. Note that the presence of double quotes in the template requires us to use single quotes around it. The data is now stored in a dictionary, and can be accessed as due east.g. information['Lai_1km'] :

            impress            read_data            [            'Lai_1km'            ]          
[[ iii  3  2 ...,  6  8 21]  [ 4  3  six ...,  8 18 14]  [ 3 12 xi ..., 12  8  8]  ...,  [ ii  3  ii ..., 18 11 17]  [ two  3  iii ..., sixteen 19 15]  [ three  2  ii ..., fifteen xvi 15]]          

Now we have to interpret the LAI values into meaningful quantities. Co-ordinate to the LAI webpage, there is a scale cistron of 0.1 involved for LAI and SD LAI:

            lai            =            data            [            'Lai_1km'            ]            *            0.1            lai_sd            =            data            [            'LaiStdDev_1km'            ]            *            0.ane          
            print            "LAI"            print            lai            print            "SD"            impress            lai_sd          
LAI [[ 0.3  0.three  0.2 ...,  0.6  0.eight  2.1]  [ 0.4  0.3 ...,  0.8  one.viii  one.4]  [ 0.3  1.2 ...,  one.2  0.8  0.8]  ...,  [ 0.ii  0.3  0.two ...,  ane.8  1.1  1.7]  [ 0.2  0.3  0.3 ...,  1.six  1.ix  1.five]  [ 0.3  0.2  0.ii ...,  1.5  1.6  1.five]] SD [[ 0.two  0.2  0.1 ...,  0.2  0.1  0.3]  [ 0.ii  0.ii  0.two ...,  0.2  0.3  0.2]  [ 0.  0.2 ...,  0.1  0.ii  0.2]  ...,  [ 0.1  0.1  0.1 ...,  0.iii  0.   0.ane]  [ 0.ane  0.1 ...,  0.2  0.2  0.i]  [ 0.ane  0.1  0.1 ...,  0.1  0.2]]          

Some SD values are clearly given as 0.0, which is unlikely to be true. We should so examine the QC (Quality Control) information. The codes for this are also given on the LAI product folio. They are described equally fleck combinations:

Bit No.

Parameter Name

Scrap Combination





Good quality (main algorithm with or without saturation)


Other Quality (back-up algorithm or fill up values)










Detectors apparently fine for up to 50% of channels ane two


Expressionless detectors caused >l% adjacent detector retrieval




Significant clouds NOT nowadays (clear)


Significant clouds WERE present


Mixed clouds nowadays on pixel


Cloud state not defined assumed articulate




Main (RT) method used all-time effect possible (no saturation)


Master (RT) method used with saturation. Skilful very usable


Principal (RT) method failed due to bad geometry empirical algorithm used


Chief (RT) method failed due to problems other than geometry empirical algorithm used


Pixel non produced at all value coudn't exist retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B information unusable MODAGAGG data)

In using this information, it is upwards to the use which data he/she wants to laissez passer through for any farther processing. There are clearly merchandise-offs: if you wait for only the highest quality data, then the number of samples is probable to be lower than if you were more tolerant. But if you are too tolerant, you will get spurious results. You may find useful information on how to convert from actual QA flags to diagnostics in this page (they focus on NDVI/EVI, simply the theory is the aforementioned).

Only let's just say that we want to utilize simply the highest quality information. From the table higher up, these data are given by the CF_QC flag being set to 000 or 001 , or in other words 00000000 and 00000001 , or 0 and 1 in decimal:

            import            numpy            as            np            import            pylab            as            plt            qc            =            data            [            'FparLai_QC'            ]            # Get the QC data            # Create a mask like the LAI production            mask            =            np            .            zeros_like            (            lai            )            .            astype            (            bool            )            # Fill the mask where the conditions are met            mask            =            np            .            where            (            qc            ==            0            ,            True            ,            False            )            mask            =            np            .            where            (            qc            ==            1            ,            True            ,            mask            )            # Select a blackness/white colormap            cmap            =            plt            .            cm            .            gray            # plot the data            plt            .            imshow            (            mask            ,            interpolation            =            'nearest'            ,            cmap            =            cmap            )            # add together a colorbar            plt            .            colorbar            (            ticks            =            [            0            ,            1            ])          
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at 0xbb01b00>          


To plot LAI only for the valid pixels ( mask == True ). We can used masked arrays for this. Masked arrays are like normal arrays, merely they have an associated mask, which in this case is mask define above. Nosotros shall also cull another colormap (at that place are lots to cull from), and set values outside the 0.1 and four to be shown every bit blackness pixels.

            cmap            =            plt            .            cm            .            Greens            cmap            .            set_bad            (            'one thousand'            )            laim            =            np            .            ma            .            array            (            lai            ,            mask            =            mask            )            plt            .            imshow            (            laim            ,            cmap            =            cmap            ,            interpolation            =            'nearest'            ,            vmin            =            0.ane            ,            vmax            =            4            )            plt            .            colorbar            ()          
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar case at 0xd429e18>          


Similarly, nosotros can practise a similar thing for Standard Deviation

            cmap            =            plt            .            cm            .            spectral            cmap            .            set_bad            (            'k'            )            stdm            =            np            .            ma            .            array            (            lai_sd            ,            mask            =            mask            )            plt            .            imshow            (            stdm            ,            cmap            =            cmap            ,            interpolation            =            'nearest'            ,            vmin            =            0.001            ,            vmax            =            0.five            )            plt            .            colorbar            ()          
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar case at 0x2b8ee20374d0>          


Exercise 1¶

For the moment, nosotros will suppose this information masking to be sufficient. Nevertheless, closer inspection of the production data folio would show us that the data can take on various Fill up Values which any data user should check for.

Modify the code nosotros have developed higher up to also cheque that the data are non unwanted 'fill values' and use this to modify the data mask.

Hint Annotation that these make full values are practical to Lai_1km, not the QC data, so you take to check values in that dataset and modify the mask accordingly.

Practice two¶

We also accept access to FparExtra_QC

              qc1              =              data              [              'FparExtra_QC'              ]            

The data values in FparExtra_QC are:

Flake No.

Parameter Name

Bit Combination















No snow/water ice detected


Snow/water ice detected




No or low atmospheric aerosol levels detected


Average or high atmospheric droplets levels detected




No cirrus detected


Cirrus detected




No deject detected


Deject detected

half dozen

Cloud shadow


No cloud shadow detected


Cloud shadowdetected




Biome outside interval i-4


Biome in interval one-iv

Use this QC dataset to make certain that but Land pixels are passed in the mask, and apply other data quality measures as appropriate.

Hint this is much the same as the exercise above, only looking at a different QC dataset. The key to doing this is to place the fleck codes for combinations that you lot want to ready or unset.

You tin can find an example of how to exercise this here[DEADLINK]. This filtering shouldn't make much difference in this case, as the tile is mostly land pixels. Still, consider tile h17v03 (role of the UK) for the calendar month of June ( thousand. MCD15A2.A2011185.h17v03.005.2011213154608.hdf )

TODO equally NASA website is down!!!!!

UK LAI map

UK LAI map

shell-init: fault retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory pwd: mistake retrieving electric current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory pwd: fault retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot admission parent directories: No such file or directory            
              def              css_styling              ():              from              IPython.display              import              brandish              ,              HTML              styles              =              ""              return              HTML              (              styles              )              css_styling              ()    


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